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Law and Politics

Nikitina V.A. Renting a residence by citizens with low income and in need of housing in the legal systems of Russia and Germany

Abstract:   This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the legal regulation of rent of residential properties as one of the means of realization of the right to housing by citizens with low income in Russia and Germany. Analysis is conducted on the development of the institution of renting in Russia and Germany, as well as rental agreements of low income citizens with the right to a place to live as established by the Russian and German legislations. A special attention is given to the conditions given in Russia and Germany for signing such agreements. Despite the great relevance (government housing based on a rental agreement for millions of people in Russia and Germany remains an optimal option for solving residence issue), this topic is practically untouched by researchers in Russian scientific literature. The author highlights main distinctions in the Russian and German legislations that regulate rent of residential properties, and makes a conclusion on the possibility of using German experience for the purpose of improving Russian legislation in this area.  


housing need, low income citizens, right to housing, social housing, noncommercial lease, residential lease agreement, social housing lease agreement, German social lease, rent, low income level

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