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Law and Politics

Filippov V.R. French policy in Gabon

Abstract: Using the method of historical reconstruction, the author reveals the essence of the French neo-colonial policies in point of Gabon after the Second World War. Comprehensive analysis of the unrenowned historical sources (materials of judicial and journalistic investigations, evidence of well-known politicians and diplomats) allows you to show the integral reliance of the political elite of this small but oil-rich African country on purely pragmatic interests of the owners of the Élysée Palace. This dependence is stipulated by the need of provision the Fifth Republic with oil and uranium. The methodological foundation consists in the systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author substantiates the conclusion that the mechanism for implementation of this policy is typical of a latent French foreign policy: it consists in creation of corruption schemes, as well as secret agreements between political, military and business elites of the two countries. The Fifth Republic brings to power (and if necessary, keeps in power) independent leaders, who in turn provide the absolute favoritism towards Paris in the economic, political and military cooperation.


interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, France, society, politics, values, Françafrique

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