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Law and Politics

Oseychuk V.I. On the question of establishment of the a model of government administration in Russia

Abstract: The subject of this research is the public relations associated with the establishment in modern Russia of a new model of government administration. The object is the fundamental elements of the system of government administration, including its constituents, basic principles, legislation, as well as socio-economic and personnel policy, etc. A special attention is given to the political legal aspects of the formation of a new model of government administration. The author believes that the principal elements of a new system of government administration should be set by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; thus, the question is raised on the new stage of the constitutional reform. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the fact that in modern Russia it is reasonable to launch a conceptually new model of government administration; it should include the achievements of the global management though, and taking into account the peculiarities of the government administration in Russia that are formed based on the specificity of the Russian mentality and culture. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the complex of political legal norms, which are essential for establishment of the new model of government administration.


People, People, Government administration, Constitution, Principles, Mechanism, Crisis, Reform, System, Effectiveness

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