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Law and Politics

Kononenko D.Kh. Exercise of oversight authority by the Parliament of the Russian Federation: theoretical and practical issues

Abstract: This article examines the theory and practice of the Parliament’s oversight authority, analyzes various scientific views on the supervision activity of the Parliament, as well as the legal forms of parliamentary oversight exercised by the Parliament of the Russian Federation. The author presents original vision of the legislative development of oversight authority of the Russian Parliament, and offers proposals to devise theoretical basis and practical recommendations aimed at improving the constitutional legislation in this field. The main goal of the research is the legal analysis of the parliamentary oversight in the Russian Federation, as well as analysis of the realization of practical bases of the oversight authority of the Parliament. The article gives a detailed analysis to the following issues: legal regulation of parliamentary supervision; practical implementation and realization of the conducted control by the State Duma over the activity of various subjects of law, including the government of the Russian Federation; forms of parliamentary oversight; authority of the Parliament in this area; scientific approaches and outlooks upon the future development of parliamentary control in Russia. The author substantiates that parliamentary control represents a type of a state legal activity, contributes to the constructive collaboration between legislative and executive branches of the government and is concentrated on increasing the effectiveness of the latter.


Constitution, Parliamentary supervision, State Duma, Parliament, Authority, Implementation, Responsibility, Control, Inquiry, Russian government

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