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Law and Politics

Proshunina E.V. The concept and peculiarities of the legal mechanism for revegetation of the land of agricultural designation

Abstract: This article examines the relevant issues pertaining to revegetation of agricultural land, melioration, and the legal aspects of land revegetation. The results of the analysis include the peculiarities of the revegetation mechanism, determination of goals of revegetation of disturbed agricultural land, demonstration of gaps in the legislation, and substantiation of the proposal to improve the legislation with specific changes to the current normative legal acts: the law “On the Subsurface”, Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author examines the current legislation in the area of revegetation of land designated as agricultural, and proposes ways of improving it, which could be used in further development of land legislation and other scientific research on this subject. The author concludes that one of the key ways to protect and restore the quality of the land is revegetation. The constant changes in agricultural and land legislation require changes in the area of revegetation of land of agricultural designation.


Revegetation, Melioration, Agricultural land, Land legislation, Subsurface, Legal regulation, Law, Logging, Lots, Land use

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