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Law and Politics

Dias Martins R. The ontological legal nature of the results of intellectual work: differentiation of the terms of property and right of ownership

Abstract: The author gives a detailed examination to the difference between the terms of property and right of ownership in research of the sources of Roman law throughout the history prior to the emergence of modern civil codifications. A special attention is given to the notions associated with property such as: absolute, in personam, and personal and property rights that represent the key to determining the ontological legal nature of the results of intellectual work. The author attempts to determine a clear content for these notions in order to resolve the dilemma of the modern non-proprietary concept of objects of intellectual rights. The author’s contribution into the research of this topic lies in the presentation of new arguments for discussion on the ontological legal nature of the results of intellectual work. Based on the historical development of the notions of property and right of ownership, the author formulates a conclusion that the results of intellectual work are the object of property (proprietas), rather than the right of ownership (dominium).


relative rights, real rights, personal rights, classification of civil rights, proprietary concept, Intellectual Property, absolute rights, property, ownership, Romam Law

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