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Law and Politics

Vladimirov D.A. Constitutional guarantee of the right of the citizens to manage state affairs: theory and practice

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of the norms of the constitutional legislation on the issues of citizens’ participation in the management of state affairs. The goal of the article is to refer to legal analysis of the forms of citizen participation in the management of state affairs as one of the aspects of constitutional guarantees. The article gives a detailed analysis to the participation of citizens in management of state affairs; it offers a substantiated system of arguments, according to which the various forms of such participation is closely linked to the practical realization of one of the key categories of modern Russian constitutional right – democracy. The scientific novelty lies in the proposal of original approaches towards various forms of participation of citizens in management of state affairs. As a conclusion the author conducts an analysis of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which contains a significant number of various forms, and they are not limited to norms of constitutional regulation, but represent a distinct property of constitutional rights that ensure participation of citizens in the management of state affairs.


priority, constitutional principles, protection, forms, democracy, participation of citizens, management, guarantees, rights, Constitution

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