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Law and Politics

Epifanov I.O. The principle of direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as its essential normative-regulatory quality

Abstract: The object of this research is the legal relations that form as a result of regulating effect upon the fundamental normative legal act of the Constitution of the Russian Federation with all general qualities and immanently inherent qualities of a special legislative act. The subject of this research is the theoretical and practical aspects of the content and activity of the principle of direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation viewed as a normative-regulatory means along with legal norms. A special attention is given to the constitutional positions of specific character, attributable to a separate type of normative-regulatory means – normative consolidations, among which the principle of direct effect is being reviewed. The principle of direct effect is a mandatory requirement in the field of work of the judiciary, and has a major part in the mechanism of legal realization of normative consolidations contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


principle, rule of law, normative generalizations, normative and regulatory tools, direct effect of the Constitution, Constitution of the Russian Federation, Basic law, legal regulation, Constitutional Court, Supreme Court

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