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Law and Politics

Tel'nov A.V. The right of the state as a subject of civil law to protection from defamation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the legal norms that regulate the protection of the reputation of a state as a public establishment from defamation. The object of the research is the public relations pertaining to the violations of rights and lawful interests of the state as a subject of civil legal relations, defamation – spreading vilifying information, as well as public relations associated with the legal protection of the state’s reputation from defamation. The author conducts a detail review of such aspects of this topic as the influence of distribution of vilifying information (defamation) about a state, which affects its reputation and warrants the need to protect the state’s reputation from defamation. The research presents legal justification of implementation into the legislation of such category as reputation, which can be applied to a state as a subject of legal relations on protection from defamation.


Intangible benefits, State, Defamation, Legal protection, Protection of reputation, Vilification, Public establishment, Distribution of vilifying information, Reputation, State reputation

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