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Law and Politics

Voinikanis E.A. General legal tendency towards decentralization of regulation and intellectual rights

Abstract: The subject of this research is the implementation of the general legal tendency towards decentralization of regulation in the area of intellectual rights. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the demand for various forms of soft law and self-regulation within the framework of globalization and development of information society. The article presents an analysis of the examples of soft regulation within international law of intellectual property. It reveals the effects of the non-obligatory acts of international organizations upon the forming of the positions on relevant issues and development of new normative acts. The author’s conclusions are based on discovered aspects of the decentralization process within the law on intellectual property. The peculiarity of self-regulation in the area of intellectual rights lies in the weak development of voluntary agreements between right holders and the information intermediaries. This is caused by the use of provisions of the dominant paradigm of intellectual rights within the agreements.


Information intermediary, soft law, intellectual property, legal paradigm, intellectual property rights, selfregulation, decentralization, copyright holder, international law, free licenses.

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