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Law and Politics

Akopdzhanovna M.O. The criteria for effectiveness of a disposition of a criminal legal norm

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the research of the criteria for effectiveness of a disposition of a criminal legal norm that is regulated by the legislation and developed by the juridical science and law enforcement practice. It reflects the basis of criminal responsibility (committing an act that contains all characteristics of a crime) and principles thereof (principle of legality, principle of equality of citizens before the law, principle of guilt, principle of justice, principle of humanism), and circumstances that eliminate, mitigate, or aggravate criminal responsibility. This research also includes the stages of functioning of a disposition of a criminal legal norm and the issues of social determination to construct it. In the course of research the author reveals the structure of the disposition of a criminal legal norm and examines the questions of its usefulness, quality, necessity, and efficiency. The following were attributed to the effectiveness of a disposition of a criminal legal norm: timeliness of enacting or abolishing a criminal legal norm; precision with which it reflects the most important criteria of the social danger of a delict; determination of the type and size of a sanction based on its impact upon a specific act; timeliness of implementation of the criminal legal norm towards specific acts; precision of qualification; fairness of punishment.


Disposition, criminal law, norm, criteria, effectiveness, regulation, legislation, practice, principles.

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