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Law and Politics

Hazime, S.M. Process of institutionalization in the Sunni community in Lebanon since 1945 to 1990s

Abstract: One of specific features of the society in Lebanon is that complicated political and religious situation is reflected upon its social organization and political life, including functioning of the party system. Parties and public movements were usually formed within the frameworks of certain religious groups. Often the leadership in the party organization and community was by the same person, while several parties could be formed based upon one religious denomination. The scientific literature provides detailed analysis of the institutionalization of the Shiite political parties (Hezbollah, Amal). The issue of Sunni political association was not sufficiently studied. It probably has to do with the fact that while the Shiite parties are non-standard, the Sunni parties followed a more traditional path of development. However, understanding of the political development of the Sunni community is necessary for evaluating religious problems in Lebanon. The goal of this article is to provide comparative analysis of formation of development of the three main Sunni parties in Lebanon (Hizb at-Taharror al-Islamy, Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya, Al-Ahbash). While all of them were formed after the Lebanon became independent, their ways of development differed. The main methods were theoretical analysis of sources (party documents, programs, official statements of part members) , inductive analysis, interviewing party representatives by the author. The practical importance of this study is due to the fact that contradictions among these parties and competition among them allow one to understand why the Sunni community of Lebanon remained fragmented, and it never became consolidated. Therefore, the conclusions made as a result of the analysis may be applied in the future studies devoted to the analysis of confessionalism and internal and inter-confessional contradictions at the level of political institutions.


Sunni community, institutionalization, Lebanon, confessionalism, party lists, traditional Islamic parties, traditional Islamist parties, Salaphite movements, process of state modernization, system of traditional leadership, Lebanese “Zuama”.

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