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Law and Politics

Litvinova, S.F. Formation of the legal traditions in the People’s Republic of China as a result of consecutive legal activity

Abstract: Stability of law is one of the main values of the social state. Its formation is impossible, unless legal stereotypes, traditions and customs are formed. Based upon the experience of the PRC in the sphere of regulation of international private law relations the author defines the means of formation of legal traditions and specific features of consecutive legal activities. Chinese legislation was chosen for the analysis since Chinese society is very traditional, which is reflected in its law. That is why, the experience of China deserves special attention. The study involved general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, logic, and special legal methods: formal legal method and interpretation. The author also used civilization approach towards the object of studies. The interest to the foreign experience is due to the fact that the issues of formation of legal traditions are not sufficiently studied in the Russian science. It is obvious that in the period of gaining experience, which may serve as the basis for the legal tradition, the legal activity should be consecutively aimed at its formation. The legal traditions may be formed via the following means: “ from the legal practice to the norm of law”, “ from a laconic form of law to a detailed legal practice”. At the same time consecutive character of legal activity is multi-faceted.


Legal traditions, legal stereotypes, sustainable law, consecutive legal activity, legal experience, formation of legal traditions, legislation of the PRC, traditionalism of the Chinese society, mentality, identity of the society.

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