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Law and Politics

Baymatov P.N. Russia and the West: the constitutional right to social security as an indicator of social state

Abstract: The article examines the concept of the social state and its relationship with the constitutional right of citizens to social security. The author considers the constitution of various foreign countries in order to find whether the principles of social policy of the state and the right to social security are consolidated. The subject of present paper is the constitutional right of citizens to social security in the Russian Federation and Western countries being indicators of the social state. The authors reveals the problems of introduction and development of new elements in the implementation of the right to social security as well as its development in the post-industrial society. These issues are investigated using logical and systematic methods of analysis and synthesis, formal, legal, comparative legal, historical and comparative methods of cognition. This article extends and substantiates a thesis according to which the constitutional right to social security is the main indicator of the welfare state. Building a social state through the implementation of the constitutional right to social security is a strategic task of the state apparatus as well as an obligation and concern of each individual citizen and society as a whole; in order to solve it, mutual responsibility is required.


Constitution, the social state, the welfare state, social security, poverty, state social assistance, social services, quality, business, roadmap.

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