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Law and Politics

Baimatov, P. N. The constitutional right to social services: its place and role in the framework of basic rights and liberties of the man and the citizen

Abstract: Clause 1, Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation declares that the Russian Federation is a social/ welfare state. The main element of the welfare state is a system of social rights, of which the key is the right to social security. This article focuses on the constitutional framework of social rights, their classification and characteristics. It shows the problems involved with the place and role of social rights, including the right to social security, being one of the main rights of the man and the citizen enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the functions of social rights, in particular the functions of the right to social security. These issues are investigated using logical and systematic methods of analysis and synthesis, technical research and legal comparison, as well as structuralfunctional research. This article extends and substantiates the thesis that the constitutional right to social security is the key legal phenomenon among social rights, since it has certain traits that give it a fundamental, systematically important character among all the social rights. The research leads to a conclusion as to the special role of social rights, including the right to social security, which provide the welfare characteristic to the policy of the Russian state.


socioeconomic rights, concept, social safety net, problems, demographics, welfare state, material wealth, signs, social security, Constitution

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