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Law and Politics

Vahrameev, R. G. Access to information on the activities of state bodies and bodies of local government

Abstract: This article investigates the issue of access to information about the activities of government and municipal government authorities. It considers the substance inherent in the exercise of this type of constitutional right to information, such as access to information. This right allows a person and a citizen to satisfy his need to obtain the required information either directly from official sources or by sending a request and receiving an answer from the state or local government authority. This article considers the issue of transparency of state and local government bodies, and concludes that openness is the major contributor to the exercise of the constitutional right to information. It maintains a balance between the interests of the state and the individual and the citizen in the framework of the knowledge society. The author proposes a new concept of access to information as well as insights into the federal law ‘On access to information on activities of state bodies and local government bodies’. He considers issues relating to the legal exercise of the constitutional right to information through access to information, detailing not only the limitations of this right as set by the legislator, but also limits to the exercise of the right.


right to information, constitutional law, access to information, principle of transparency, government bodies, government, human rights, obligations of administrative officials, accountability, rights

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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