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Law and Politics

Zhdanov, V.L. On the issue of formation of the astro-policy

Abstract: The article regards the process of formation of the “astro-policy”, its correlation with the “space policy”, “geopolicy” and “astro-strategy”. The author analyzes the topical issues regarding the true nature of the term “astro-policy”, as well as the works of the American political scientist, Professor of the USAF Air University: School of Advanced Air and Space Studies E. Dolman. in the sphere of astro-policy, geo-policy and cosmic exploration. The author also evaluates and analyzes the views of the renowned political scientist L. Savin and his attitude to the work of E. Dolman. The attention is brought to the fact that the scientific works of E. Dolman shall be topical for a long time, causing disputes and disagreements. The article provides detailed analysis of the key provisions of the works of the American political scientist and the conclusions are made on the value of his research.


political science, astro-policy, astro-strategy, astro-political trend, astro-political theory, evolution, space policy, geo-policy, space, transformation.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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