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Law and Politics

Litvinova, S.F. Promotion of laws with contradictory functions

Abstract: The article provides the grounds for the need to promote the law with contradictory functions, that is the laws aimed to liquidate and form the social relations, contradicting its mentality. Mostly, such laws include those based upon the experience of the foreign states. Their implementation faces social opposition. In order for such laws to be efficient, the political will of the state should be expressed in order to promote them in a society. Such a promotion should start at the primary legislative stage and continue till the goals of such a law are achieved. Promotion of laws is understood as a complex of state measures aimed at explaining the meaning of such laws, convincing that such laws are a necessity, coercion (soft or hard) in order to guarantee compliance. A strategy for such promotion may be included within the concept of a law, as developed by a subject of legislative initiative, or within the framework of measures for its implementation.


contradictory functions, contradictory laws, concept of the legislative draft, implementation of federal laws, promotion of laws, legal mentality, the Public Chamber, state coercion, legislative activity, law on law-making.

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