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Law and Politics

Zalpov, N.V. Criminal law protection of rights and interests of owners in the apartment buildings from the position of application of the Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: This article includes criminal legal evaluation of a certain type of abuse of right, which is forging the protocols of the general assemblies of the owners of the apartment in the apartment buildings and their unlawful use. Such violations often happen in the sphere of housing and public utilities, and they infringe upon the due functioning of the home-owners associations, the home-construction co-operatives, rights and lawful interests of home-owners and the bases of state regulation in this sphere. In the author’s point of view such activities should become objects of pre-investigation checks under Art. 144 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The author notes the lack of legal defi nition of an “offi cial document” in the criminal legal sphere, which creates diffi culties in cases of qualifi cation of crimes in this sphere. Then the author provides some information on the practical application of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the sphere of forging protocols and using forged protocols of general assemblies.


jurisprudence, law, home-owners association, housing co-operative, guarding, protection, forged, protocol, assembly, owner.

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