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Police and Investigative Activity

Methods and cases of "forgery of a person" in the Russian Federation

Mishugis-Beker Grigorii Sergeevich

Lecturer of the Department of Operational Investigative Activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

680020, Russia, Khabarovsk Krai, Khabarovsk, lane. Barracks, 15

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Abstract: Every year, the number of offenses related to "forgery of a person" in the Russian Federation is only growing, but there is no liability for fraud of this kind. The article discusses ways of seizing someone else's document with a socially dangerous illegal purpose. The arbitrary acquisition of a passport, as well as with temporary borrowing, is considered in detail as not explicitly related to illegal acts. An attempt is made to answer the question of whether the passport is property. cases of the use of other people's documents or personal data with a socially dangerous illegal purpose are also considered. The author draws attention to the fact that the number of different types of cases of "forgery of a person" is much more than was presented. These types need to be analyzed in detail in further studies from the point of view of violation of inalienable rights, and especially the right to a name. These issues are investigated using logical and systematic methods, analysis and synthesis, formal legal, comparative legal methods of cognition. The main conclusion of the study is the position on the need to expand the disposition of Part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by fixing the possibility of criminal prosecution for using someone else's document or personal data for a socially dangerous illegal purpose.


types of forgery, person, right to name, passport, arbitrariness, document, identification, wrongful act, property, identification card

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The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, "Methods and cases of "forgery of a person" in the Russian Federation." The declared boundaries of the study are fully respected by the scientist. Taking into account the nature of the work, its name needs to be adjusted (for example, "Methods and purposes of "forgery of a person": actual problems of criminal law protection of the right to a name", etc.). The research methodology is not defined in the text of the article, however, it is obvious that the author used universal dialectical, logical, descriptive, formal-legal, hermeneutic research methods. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the scientist is sufficiently justified: "Several circumstances prompted us to consider various cases of "forgery of a person". The first is due to the fact that "forgery of a person" in the Russian Federation is not punishable and offenders use it. The second circumstance is determined by the first and consists in the fact that in most cases, the "forgery of a person" is socially dangerous violation of the inalienable rights and freedoms of persons, and basically the right to a name. At the same time, we have not found publications or monographic studies classifying cases of illegal use of other people's documents or personal data." The author's disclosure of the degree of study of the problems raised in the article is commendable. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author discovered a large number of types of socially dangerous "forgery of a person"; based on the analysis of investigative and judicial practice materials, an appropriate classification of such was proposed; the lack of proper criminal legal protection of a person's right to a name was revealed. The scientist recommends "... to expand the disposition of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, fixing the possibility of criminal prosecution for using someone else's document or personal data for a socially dangerous illegal purpose." Of course, the article submitted for review makes a significant contribution to the development of domestic criminal law science and deserves the attention of the readership. The scientific style of the article is generally maintained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the article, the author substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic of the work. In the main part of the study, the scientist describes 3 ways of seizing someone else's document (using materials from judicial practice), identifies 3 goals of "dietz forgery". The final part of the work contains conclusions based on the results of the study and the author's recommendations on changing the current criminal legislation. The content of the work corresponds to its name and is practically devoid of any special drawbacks, except for technical ones. Thus, the use of the term "borrowing" by scientists is criticized. The author needs to replace it with a scientific one. The bibliography of the study is presented by 41 sources (normative legal acts, dissertations, monographs, commentaries, scientific articles, explanations of the highest judicial instance, materials of judicial practice, analytical data). From a formal and factual point of view, this is quite enough. The nature of the sources used in writing the article allowed the author to delve sufficiently into the content of the studied problems and gave the work the necessary property of scientific novelty. There is an appeal to opponents, both general and private (O. Y. Skripchuk, E. A. Mukhtarova, I. G. Barsukova, etc.), and it is quite sufficient. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly. The positions of the scientist on controversial issues are justified to the appropriate extent. Conclusions based on the results of the entire study are available and deserve the attention of the readership ("Summing up, let's say that a huge number of non-criminalized types of "forgery of a person" clearly indicates the need for criminal legal protection of the right to a name, in our opinion, a single norm concerning "forgery of a person" would eliminate the gap we are considering in criminal law legislation of the Russian Federation. It seems to us that it is necessary to expand the disposition of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by fixing the possibility of criminal prosecution for using someone else's document or personal data for a socially dangerous illegal purpose. So, part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be worded as follows: "The use of a deliberately forged document, as well as the use of someone else's original document or personal data"). The author needs to carefully proofread the article with the involvement of a philologist, since there are text omissions, spelling, punctuation, syntactic, and stylistic errors in it. The interest of the readership in the presented article can be shown, first of all, by specialists in the field of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics, provided that it is slightly improved: disclosure of the research methodology, clarification of certain provisions of the work, elimination of shortcomings in the design of the work.