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Organization of the Educational Process in Modern Conditions of Digital Transformation of Education

Kuznetsova Liudmila Vladimirovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-0027-2466

Doctor of Pedagogy

Associate Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

656038, Russia, Barnaul, Putilovskaya str., 20

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Lazareva Irina Yur'evna

ORCID: 0000-0003-0052-4165

PhD in Pedagogy

Associate professor, Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya

140055, Russia, Moscow region, Kotelniki, Sosnovaya str., 5, office 135










Abstract: The object of the study is the pedagogical training of highly qualified personnel within the framework of the adjunct system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the study is the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on the use of digital technologies corresponding to the digitalization of education developing in our country. The main requirements of the state policy in the field of education in the conditions of digitalization of society are considered. Based on the study of this issue, as well as the use of practical experience, the paper highlights the main approaches and principles of the organization of the modern educational process, taking into account the personalization of learning. The necessity of changing the attitude to the organization of the educational process aimed at updating the goals, content, methods, means and forms of education due to the influence of digital technologies is emphasized. The methodology of the research is presented by empirical methods that provide an analysis of the existing practice of organizing the educational process in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the use of methodological experience, as well as generalization of existing models of organizing the learning process in the conditions of digitalization of society, using personal experience of organizing the educational process according to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel. The novelty of the research is the authors' identification of principles and methods, as well as stages of the organization of the educational process in the adjunct. The conclusion is made about the need to expand the possibilities of using digital technologies to ensure the individualization of training programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.


digital technologies, digital transformation of education, digitalization of education, innovative processes, educational process, adjuncts, e-learning, digital education infrastructure, personalization of the learning process, organization of the educational process

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The spread of digital technologies leads to qualitative changes in all spheres of activity, including in education, which implies innovative processes in the organization of the educational process according to the training programs of highly qualified personnel. The understanding of modern education is based on the improvement of the educational environment aimed at the intensification of the educational process based on the use of digital technologies [1,2]. In the information society, pedagogical activity is implemented in the educational process aimed at increasing interest in learning through new forms of organization of the educational process related to digital objects. The effectiveness of the learning process in the new conditions depends not only on the ability of teachers to use information technologies in teaching activities, but also on the ability to study, create new ones and creatively implement them in the learning process.

The digital transformation of education involves, first of all, rethinking the goals of education and, accordingly, changing the technologies of the organization of the educational process. Improving the quality of the educational process based on the digital transformation of education involves creating the necessary conditions and a favorable information environment for motivated and active participation of students (adjuncts), as well as the need to develop scientific methods, regulatory support for the organization of the educational process in new conditions.

In accordance with the tasks of innovative development of modern society, digital transformation of education, the need to reform on this basis the organization of the educational process in the adjunct is obvious.


Main content

The main directions of improving the state policy in the field of education of the Russian Federation are defined in the state program "Development of Education" [3]. Its implementation is reflected in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024"[4]. One of the main national goals is called "digital transformation", within the framework of which "the achievement of digital maturity" of key sectors of the economy and social sphere, including health and education ..." is carried out [4]. One of the targets characterizing the achievement of national goals by 2030 is "ensuring the presence of the Russian Federation among the top ten countries in the world in terms of research and development, including through the creation of an effective system of higher education" [4].

The "Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030" defined the basic principles of creating an information society in our country, as well as "measures to implement the internal and foreign policy of the Russian Federation in the field of information and communication technologies aimed at the development of the information society ..."[5].

The essence of information and communication technologies is emphasized in the "Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society" as one of the "important factors influencing the formation of society of the twenty-first century" [6] and aimed at developing the skills of using information technologies in the field of education.

The effectiveness of modern education is determined by the processes and content of the conditions that characterize the information society. In accordance with this, the content of education is determined on the basis of rethinking its goals and results, the introduction of new ways and technologies of learning.

The basis of the modern educational environment is the concept of "e-learning", enshrined in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". The main emphasis is placed on information, the use of which is necessary for the implementation of educational programs, the possibilities and potential of information technologies that ensure the improvement of the educational process. The main thing in this context is the "interaction of students and teaching staff" (Article 16) [7]. Distance educational technologies, as a separate independent category of the organization of the educational process, are defined as "educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks" (Article 16) [7]. In this case, the indirect (at a distance) nature of the interaction of students and teaching staff on the basis of information technology is emphasized.

Thus, consideration of the organization of the educational process in the context of the transformation of education should be carried out on the basis of the use of the pedagogical potential of digital technologies in the learning system.

This aspect is studied in the monograph by A. Yu. Uvarov, I. D. Frumin, who defined the essence of digital transformation as "updating the planned educational results, the content of education, methods and organizational forms of educational work, as well as evaluating the results achieved in a rapidly developing digital environment to radically improve the educational results of each student" [8, p. 15].

Consequently, the organization of the educational process in the conditions of digitalization of education is aimed at achieving educational results using the potential of digital technologies and providing personalization of the learning process.

Exploring this issue, the authors presented the structure of the digital transformation of education with three elements:

· "Development of digital infrastructure of education.

· Development of digital teaching materials, tools and services, including digital assessment.

· Development and dissemination of new models of educational work organization" [8, p. 16].

The formation and development of the digital infrastructure of education reflects, first of all, the external side of the digitalization of society, which includes the process of developing and implementing information technologies, regulatory, documentation and financial resources. The inner side of the digitalization of society reflects the process of organizing education and training directly in an educational organization, taking into account the orientation of professional training, the possibilities of using information and communication technologies (technical and information and methodological support).

There is no doubt that the spread of digital technologies leads to qualitative changes in the field of education. When organizing the process of teaching adjuncts in the conditions of digitalization of education, it is necessary to take into account several basic principles:

· modularity, which makes it possible to form the content of work programs of academic disciplines that ensure readiness for professional activity of specialists by combinations of selections from each module;

· variability, which provides for a variety of training modules, learning technologies, organization of independent work, the use of flexible organizational forms;

· interactive cooperation, providing joint resolution of educational tasks, manifestation of creativity of students;

· creation of an innovative space for initiative and manifestation of independence and individuality of students;

These principles allow the teacher to build an individual learning trajectory more competently. The need to change the teaching methodology is due to significant changes in society, an increase in the volume of information, which corrects the educational objectives of higher education and ensures the creation of a qualitatively new educational environment. In accordance with this, the educational process is built primarily on the basis of setting and analyzing goals and objectives corresponding to the digitalization of society.

To achieve the goal of the educational process, three consecutive and interrelated stages can be distinguished: theoretical, technological and procedural.

The theoretical stage includes the definition of the content that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, its structuring, the allocation of information blocks and the construction of classes based on personalization. The allocation of the modular principle of individuality determines the content of the studied material, takes into account the level of preparedness of students, changes in their potential capabilities during the training period. The transformation of education provides for the organization of the educational process using digital technologies, which leads to changes in the means and methods of teaching, paying special attention to independence in the organization of their educational activities and creativity in preparation for classes.

The technological stage of the organization of the educational process in the conditions of digitalization of education should ensure the implementation of learning goals with the greatest efficiency, and for this it is necessary to take into account several components:

· the initial level of students, the development of their creative potential in the information and educational environment;

· program content of the educational process focused on the needs of the modern information society;

· technological component of the educational process characterized by traditional forms and methods combined with new forms of information provision;

· psychological, pedagogical and informational support of the educational process in the conditions of informatization of education;

· formation of information competence of teachers, availability of information skills of students, their continuous improvement;

· providing all components of the educational process with sufficient information, methodological recommendations, providing the possibility of independent work;

The procedural stage is aimed at mastering students' professional activities and organizing interaction between students, teachers and practical staff in order to acquire practical skills and abilities through the active use of the information and educational environment. The success of mastering professional skills in the conditions of the innovation space ensures the choice of adjuncts of ways and means of participation in the educational process. In this regard, the interaction between the subjects of the educational process is built in parallel in the conditions of full-time, distance learning, independent work of students.

In the conditions of digitalization of society, the educational process of adjuncts should be adjusted on the basis of system-structural and modular approaches, including a cognitive component (meaningful content involves taking into account digital resources that ensure the relationship between teachers and students); activity (mastering knowledge in unity with innovative technologies, creating an innovative space for initiative and individual responsibility of students); structural (structuring the content of academic disciplines in accordance with the stages of training; the relationship of theoretical knowledge with the profile of the future professional activity of students and the skills of pedagogical activity, orientation to the independent development of educational material).

The necessity dictated by the digitalization of society requires the systematic and purposeful introduction of information technologies into various types of the learning process, in connection with which it is assumed that the methodology of using digital technologies, methods of their development and application are constantly and regularly updated. Great emphasis is placed on the ability of future teachers and the ability to work independently with information

It should be emphasized that the use of digital technologies in the educational process contributes to a more effective study of theoretical material, the ability to work with information is formed. To organize classes using digital technologies, it is necessary, first of all, to arrange training sessions and independent work from individual digital elements, prepare practical and creative tasks, provide additional reference literature, and provide special equipment.

Therefore, the entire technology of digital support of the educational process should be aimed at ensuring the search, collection and storage of information aimed at acquiring and consolidating professional skills, interactivity, multimedia and individualization of learning. Digital technologies allow the creation of interactive modules for conducting classes within the framework of electronic educational complexes. The use of modern digital technologies expand the possibility of learning through the use of electronic educational resources. Scientists dealing with the problems of modern information technologies single out the most important factor in the professional activity of a specialist is the process of his personal growth through self-development and the use of the innovative potential of modern technologies [10, 11].

In general, based on the study of this issue, several preliminary conclusions can be drawn:

· The use of digital technologies in the educational process contributes to solving a number of problems, since it expands the possibilities of implementing the process of education and training, as well as their methodological support.

· Digital technologies are part of educational technologies, because due to their versatility they can be used:

? as a means of teaching a sufficiently broad content (formation of professional and informational competencies; social activity of future specialists; self-study);

? means of teaching, as auxiliary to other types of pedagogical activity and used directly in the classroom;

? means of organizing the educational process in the context of the activities of the entire educational organization (planning and control of the educational process, management decisions aimed at organizing all elements of the educational process);

? organization and planning of the process of teaching and upbringing directly within the framework of training sessions;

·                   On the basis of the use of digital technologies in the educational process, results are achieved and personalization of the educational process of training highly qualified personnel is ensured.

· Digital technologies are procedural in nature, which allows us to technologically solve the problem of organizing the educational process by expanding its capabilities (informational, operational, methodological, etc.).


Consequently, the organization of the educational process based on digital technologies can be used as a basis for the development of the main elements of the educational process, its educational and methodological support. The result of digitalization of education will be an innovative educational environment, the functional specificity of which depends on the following conditions: the technical and technological state of the environment, the digital competence of the subjects of the educational process, educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks.

1. The National project "Education" (the project "Digital educational environment") in the period from 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2024.
2. On the state information system "Modern digital educational Environment": Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.11.2020 No. 1836.
3. On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" ("Modern digital educational environment of the Russian Federation") for 2018 – 2025.
4. On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204.
5. Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2020. Approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 203 of May 9 , 2017 .
6. Okinawan Charter of the Global Information Society of July 22, 2000. //http://federalbook.ru/files/SVAYZ/saderzhanie/Tom%206/I/hartia.pdf (accessed 31.06.2022).
7. About education in the Russian Federation 7.On education in the Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012.
8. Difficulties and prospects of digital transformation of education: monograph/ A. Yu. Uvarov, E. Gable, I.V. Dvoretskaya, etc.; edited by A.Yu. Uvarov, I.D. Frumin; nats.Research University "Higher School of Economics", Institute of Education. Moscow: Publishing House Higher School of Economics, 2019–-343 p.
9. Digital education in the Russian Federation: state, problems and prospects: materials of the International Forum. St. Pet St. Petersburg. October 28-31, 2019. St. Petersburg: GUAP, 2019. – 208 p.
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11. Sviridova A.I., Sultanbekov T.I. Innovative potential of the educational environment: essence, content// Modern pedagogical education. 2022. No. 6. pp. 170-175. •

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The object of the research in the article is the digital transformation of the educational system, while the subject is actually the peculiarities of the organization of the pedagogical process. The research is undoubtedly relevant, since it has been obvious for a long time that digitalization cannot be considered as just a technical phenomenon. Having affected all spheres of society, it has become a social phenomenon and process, so its impact on individual social systems, in particular educational ones, certainly deserves attention. The main research method in this article is organizational and pedagogical analysis, in fact, a combination of pedagogical and managerial analysis. Despite the fact that the author considers, among other things, the practical aspects of the problem, in general, the work is theoretical in nature, therefore, the choice of this toolkit seems justified. The work is done in a language that generally corresponds to the norms of scientific style. The list of references meets the requirements and is reflected in the pages of the work. The article may be of interest to a fairly wide range of readers, since it touches on the most common didactic and organizational problems of the educational process in digital conditions. There are the following comments on the work. Structural: the article would benefit if it highlighted the practical part. In general, the author touches upon and covers the practical aspects in sufficient detail, however, with the highlighted practical part and discussion of specific results, the study would look more holistic. The conclusion is filled with general phrases and resembles the conclusions of a thesis or even a term paper in terms of level. In a scientific study, it is desirable to present specific theses of both theoretical and practical nature, demonstrating the basics of organizing the digital educational process. Moreover, this material is in the text of the work, perhaps it should simply be repeated to comply with formal compliance. Fundamentally new proposals of the author are also assumed, not of a general didactic, but rather of a methodological nature, it is also desirable to give examples of specific pedagogical situations. Meaningful: with a high level of relevance, the problem is not too pronounced in the work. Digitalization, digital transformation actually appears as a kind of "absolute" process, like, for example, natural phenomena. Meanwhile, each specific teacher participates in this process, as this process is influenced by the forces, attitudes, etc. of individual employees. So the work would be more meaningful if the author focused on specific shortcomings, difficulties, difficulties, efficiency barriers, contradictions, etc. that teachers face daily in the digital age, and, of course, on ways to overcome and minimize them in order to achieve the maximum positive effect of digital transformation. These remarks impoverish the article in a meaningful way, but in no case do they negate the fact that the study meets the basic requirements for works of this kind and deserves publication in a peer-reviewed publication in the pedagogical field.