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Police activity

Problems of self-organization among students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Osintseva Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Lecturer at the Department of Information Science and Special Equipment of Barnaul Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656922, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, ul. Gazobetonnaya, 12

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Abstract: The object of the study is the self–organization of students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the subject is the conditions for its implementation. The relevance of this problem is indisputable, because self–organization is the management of a person's own activities, the organization of tasks and the distribution of all resources. A modern person does not just have to have a set of techniques from the field of "how to meet deadlines" or "how to hold a meeting correctly". This is a system for managing yourself and your activities. The students themselves admit that they spend a lot of time irrationally, since the reasons for the loss of time are the inability to plan their time, the inability to separate the main actions from the secondary ones.   The novelty lies in comparing the results obtained with the previously known ones, which makes it possible to identify the problem and in the future choose a conceptual solution to it. Since the main goal of self–organization is to maximize your own capabilities, consciously manage the course of your life and successfully overcome any external circumstances. Thus, according to the results of our research, it was determined that first-year students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are mostly unable to plan their time, or do not understand how to properly establish control over distractions during self-organization.


self-organization, self-study, self-development, time aspect, planning, activity, organization, motivation, socialization, educational process

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Today, the transition to Federal State Standards of Higher Education (FGOS In) the last generation, led to the need to change the educational paradigm. Results of education in the Federal State Educational Standard VO 3++ are presented in the form of competencies that graduates of departmental universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia must master during the entire training period in accordance with their specialty. The competence-based approach in education formulates requirements for learning outcomes that include not only quantitative accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also their competent application, which is a primary task today. The current educational standards prescribe the mastery of universal competencies by students, in our case, the category of CC-6 "Self-organization and self-development" (including health care), which is revealed in the ability to determine and implement the priorities of their own activities and ways of its continuous improvement based on self-assessment and education throughout life.

Nowadays, living conditions require a police officer to have the ability to quickly reorient himself in modern society, strive for education and repeated retraining throughout his life. Thus, the problem of forming the category of universal competencies "Self-organization and self-development" of students in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia becomes relevant in the theory and methodology of higher professional education. As a result, the ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions, the ability to organize and plan their time, as well as educational activities become the main ones for students.

Due to the current epidemiological situation of the new coronavirus infection in the world, the curricula are structured in such a way that most of the time students independently study educational material, are able to use Internet resources and digital technologies in training. Therefore, in recent years, educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have been forced to practice either a distance or a mixed learning format, which leads to the fact that students have to master a significant part of the curriculum independently. So, speaking about the educational activity of the student, the question of its self-organization arises with independence.

Self-organization is a complex quality that manifests itself without any external pressure and is expressed in freedom of choice. If we talk about the formation of self-organization among students, then we need to pay attention to two aspects. The first is the development of students' independence, i.e. the ability to set their own goals and achieve them, the ability to solve their problems at their own expense. The second is to apply their knowledge and skills in practice.

Having analyzed the various points of view available regarding the concept of "self-organization" and based on the subject of the study, it was concluded that the concept of "self-organization" originally originated in the field of physics, and is now actively being investigated in psychology, pedagogy, and other sciences.

Currently, Russian pedagogy pays great attention to the temporal aspect, since self-organization largely depends on the proper planning of one's life. In modern sources, "self-organization" is defined as "the activity and ability of a person that are associated with the ability to organize themselves [8] and manifest themselves in purposeful activity, reasonable motivation, planning their activities [1], independence, quick decision-making and responsibility for it" [6, 9].

According to A.A. Rodchikov, "self–organization as the most important factor in the process of socialization of university students, since "the main goal of self-organization is to maximize one's own capabilities, consciously manage the course of one's life and successfully overcome any external circumstances" [7].

Lyubeyko Yu.A. points out that "the complexity of developing students' self-organization skills is primarily due to the presence of a long-standing habitual stereotype of the organization of the educational process at school. The classroom-based system of education at school is replaced by a lecture-practical system of education at the university. The problem is that the learning process in higher education is based on principles different from the didactics of secondary school: the convergence of academic work with scientific; high activity of students in independent educational and cognitive activities; professionalization of the content of the studied disciplines" [5].

According to G.A. Arkhangelsky, time management is "the management of a person's own activities, the organization of tasks and the distribution of all resources. Modern time management is not just a set of techniques from the field of "how to meet deadlines" or "how to hold a meeting correctly". It is a system for managing oneself and one's activities" [2].

When allocating time, the following become important: "goal setting, planning, the ability to prioritize in accordance with personal values, motivation, time sinks, rational use" [3].

From all of the above, the concept of self-organization of students can be defined as "a formed ability and purposeful result-oriented activity associated with the ability to organize themselves and use their time rationally. At the same time, it is important to understand that students' self-organization manifests itself in a high level of motivation to achieve their goals, cognitive activity, the ability to plan their childhood, independence, discipline and responsibility" [4].

In our opinion, this content of this concept is relevant today, since modern employers require a competent specialist to continuously update knowledge in connection with changes taking place in his professional activity and their use at a certain time in a specific situation. A specialist should be constantly ready for self-education and self-improvement, he should also be able to optimally apply theoretical knowledge in practice, argue the choice of his decision, reject wrong ways when achieving the final goal or have critical thinking.

A survey in the form of a survey is considered to be a generally recognized method of studying the level of self-organization of educational activities of students, since the questionnaire allows you to obtain a characteristic sample for statistical data processing, namely, to present objective results.

The object of the study is the educational self-organization of students of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) during self-preparation. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: questionnaires; summing up and systematization of the data obtained.

As a result, a questionnaire was compiled that allows students to determine individual satisfaction with the amount of time at their disposal. The analysis of the responses (n=104) of the first–year students of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the specialty 40.05.02 Law enforcement, specialization – administrative activity, training profile – the activities of the district police commissioner (girls – 59, boys - 45).

Questions were compiled for the questionnaire, both from previously published sources [10] and in the author's edition. The questions used are simple and understandable, which do not require much thought. Therefore, the time given to respondents to give answers did not exceed 15 minutes, in order to retain their interest and motivation for the questionnaire. Following the recommendations of psychologists, the style of questions is designed to have respondents open [10].

The first part of the questionnaire consists of general questions such as age, registration address, gender, etc.

The next part of the questions is related to finding out the satisfaction of students with the amount of time available to them, and this is undoubtedly one of the significant factors affecting the level of educational self-organization of students, as well as with the personal qualities of students.

According to the results of the survey of students who took part in the survey – 28 people (26.9%) believe that at the moment they are not satisfied with the amount of time available to them for self-study, since there are many distractions during self-preparation (Fig. 1).

74% of respondents indicated that various gadgets (phone, tablet, headphones, etc.) interfere with self–preparation; 13% – communication with classmates; 5% – extraneous noise; 5% - limited time; 3% – other reasons.


Fig. 1. Distractions during self-training of studentsThe survey also made it possible to determine the approximate daily time spent by students on training, in comparison with other time costs (Fig. 2).



Fig. 2. The time spent on training by cadets in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia69% of respondents spend from 5 to 8 hours a day studying at a university; 21% of students spend from 3 to 5 hours studying at a university; 8% of students spend from 1 to 3 hours, but those who spend more than 8 hours studying, as it turned out, only 2%.


82% of students answered that they spend from 1 to 3 hours studying at home; 18% of students spend from 3 to 5 hours studying at home; no one spends from 5 to 8 hours studying at home (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3. Time spent on self-study by cadets at homeFig. 4. Time spent by students on computer games and social networks



62% of respondents spend 1-3 hours a day on social networks and computer games; 31% – 3-5 hours; 5% – 5-8 hours and 2% of respondents spend more than 8 hours on social networks and computer games.


To the question "Is the time spent on gadgets a "time eater"". 64% of respondents answered – "yes"; 30% – believe that the time spent on gadgets is not a "time eater" and 6% of respondents – found it difficult to answer (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Students' answer to the question about the "time eater"Giving answers to the question we are interested in: "What do students do in their free time?".


46% of respondents answered that they are engaged in sports; 24% – read various literature; 10% – are engaged in music; 8% – are engaged in dancing and 3% are engaged in needlework (Fig. 6).


Fig. 6. Students' hobby in their free timeThe remaining 9% of respondents either have other interests, or they take part in extracurricular activities of the university, or they are simply lazy or uninterested.


Thus, according to the results of a survey of first-year students, it was determined that for the most part they are not able to plan their time, or do not understand how to properly establish control over distractions during self-organization.

Of the total number of respondents, only 12% believe that their day is 75-100% productive; 60% believe that their day is 50-75% productive; 19% – 25-50% and 9% of respondents believe that their day is 0-25% productive (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Productivity of the day of students in the first year at the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RussiaWhen distributing the time that cadets spend on the educational process at the university, 70% answered that they do not have learning difficulties, 20% – students experience difficulties and the remaining 10% have difficulties only occasionally.


In general, it can be concluded that most of the students do not have difficulties in learning, and the remaining part who have difficulties in learning pointed to the following reasons (Fig. 8): irrational organization of work and rest – 35%; complexity of the studied material – 20%; a large amount of information – 19%; unusual daily routine – 15%; insufficient time for self–preparation – 9% other - 2%.


Fig. 8. The reasons why students of the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have difficulties in learningThus, as a result of a survey of first-year students, it was found that the problem of self-organization is really relevant.


The students themselves admit that they spend a lot of time irrationally, since the reasons for the loss of time are the inability to plan their time, the inability to separate the main actions from the secondary ones.

As a result, according to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the first–year students of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia understand the importance of self-organization, the need for its planning, since the right organization is the best opportunity to use their data in the educational process without overstrain, it is an environmental factor that creates satisfaction, improves mood and performance, ensures efficient use of time and effort.

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