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Социализация научно-исследовательского типа в обществе знаний

Bastrakova Galina Petrovna

Doctor of Veterinary

424007, Russia, g. Ioshkar-Ola, ul. Lenina, 2, of. 4
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Abstract: The concept of knowledge society represents an influential paradigm of the modern social development. In the conditions, when the knowledge becomes the key socioeconomic asset of the society, a special significance gains a specific type of socialization that endows a growing individual with productive attitude towards knowledge and cognition. Socialization of the scientific-research type develops as a total public process, which transforms the behavior of people of all ages and professions. The role of cultural-executive foundation of knowledge society is played by education, which trains individuals capable of scientific search, i.e. research learning. The goal of the article is to present the peculiarities of the scientific-research type of socialization, as well as to examine its stages and analyze its initial forms within the research education. The introductory section of this work is dedicated to the review of the role of education within the concept of knowledge society, created during the 1940’s-1960’s, which comprises the cultural-historical context for further narration. Giving characteristic to the socialization of knowledge society, the author demonstrates its binary complexity, in which intertwine the instrumental and liberal traditions. As the fundamental factors of a new type of socialization, the author presents a cognitive-thematic structure of the knowledge society, as well as spiritual ability that determine the creativity. Epistemic imprinting and the base system of the initial cognitive practices are being reviewed as the primary forms of socialization.


sefsf, sfdfst, ewrwer, dgdfg, erwr, rtet, werwer, rgterte, erert, fr

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