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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Political regimes of the post-Soviet states of the Central Asia and Caucasus

Shkel' Stanislav Nikolaevich

PhD in Politics

Associate Professor Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU) - Department Political Science, Sociology and Public Relations

450064, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Kol'tsevaya, 3 / 1

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1. Dobronravin N. Turkmenistan : velikoe odinochestvo // SSSR posle raspada / red. O. L. Marganiya. SPb. : Ekonomicheskaya shkola, 2007. S. 455-476.
2. Lazarev E.A. Korruptsiya i politicheskaya stabil'nost' : institutsional'naya perspektiva // Politiya. 2011. ¹ 1 (60). S. 50-68.
3. Merkel' V., Kruassan A. Formal'nye i neformal'nye instituty v defektnykh demokratiyakh // Polis. 2002. ¹ 1. S. 617.
4. Mironyuk M.G., Timofeev I.N., Vaslavskii I.Ya. Universal'nye sravneniya s ispol'zovaniem kolichestvennykh metodov analiza (Obzor pretsedentov) // Polis. 2006. ¹
5. S. 39-57. 5.Podvedeny itogi vyborov // Turmenistan : zoltoi vek [Elektronnyi dokument]. URL : http://turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=5528 (data obrashcheniya : 25.01.2014).
6. TsIK Turkmenistana priznal Berdymukhamedova pobeditelem // Podrobnosti [Elektronnyi dokument]. URL : http://podrobnosti.ua/power/2012/02/16/820746.html (data obrashcheniya : 13.03.2013).
7. Grzymala-Busse A., Luong, P. Reconceptualizing the state : lessons from post-communism // Politics & Society. 2002. Vol. 30. ¹ 4. P. 529-544.
8. Hale H. Why Not Parties in Russia? Democracy, Federalism, and the State. Cambridge University Press, 2006. 275 p.
9. Kaufmann D., Kraay A., Mastruzzi M. The Worldwide Governance Indicators. Methodology and Analytical Issues. The World Bank Development Research Group Macroeconomics and Growth Team. Policy Research Working Paper. ¹ 5430. 2010. 29 p.
10. Montgomery K., Remington T. Regime transition and the 1990 Soviet republican elections// Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 1994. Vol.10. ¹ 1. P. 55-79.
11. Sultanistic Regimes / ed. by H. E. Chehabi and J. Linz. Baltimore and London : The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1998. 284 p.
12. The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) : [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL : http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/index.aspx#home (data obrashcheniya : 13.04.2013).
13. Transparency International [Elektronnyi dokument]. URL : http://www.transparency.org/ (data obrashcheniya : 11.03.2013).
14. Vanhanen T. The Emergence Of Democracy : A Comparative Study Of 119 States, 1850-1979. (Commentationes scientiarum socialium). Helsinki : Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1984. 168 p.
15. Shkel' S.N. Protsedurnye faktory ustoichivosti avtoritarnykh rezhimov: kontseptual'naya ramka analiza // Pravo i politika.-2014.-6.-C. 799-806. DOI: 10.7256/1811-9018.2014.6.12192.
16. S. N. Shkel', N. E. Gareeva Sovremennye metodologicheskie podkhody i teoreticheskie modeli issledovaniya politiko-rezhimnykh transformatsii na postsovetskom prostranstve // Pravo i politika.-2012.-1.-C. 156-162