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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Yakovleva A.A. Influence of Virtual Identity on Teenagers Self-Actualization

Abstract: This article discusses the issues of virtual identity as the factor of self-actualization of a teenager. Virtual identity and self-actualisation as difficult systems are investigated. The maintenance of a concept virtual identity is concretized. Peculiarities of self-esteem, self-actualization and locus of control are studied. Conditions for teenager’s self-actualisation of the identity based on age features are defined. Structural components and functions of virtual identity are revealed. Personal, social and psychological features of teenagers are studied. The importance of virtual identity for self-actualisation is defined. Conditions for formation of virtual identity are revealed. The analysis of influence of virtual identity on self-actualisation of teenages age is made. As the main psychodiagnostic techniques of a research have been chosen: the test of twenty answers of Kuhn M. And Mc Partland Ò. «Who I am?», questionnaire of SAMOAL of E. Shostrom, test comprehend and vital orientations of D. A. Leontyev. The results of an empirical research showing the level of need for self-actualisation of teenages based on degree of formation of virtual identity are presented.


cognitive needs, teenage years, personal structure, virtual space, self-actualization, virtual identity, identity, values, self-concept, locus of control

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