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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Verba Yu.V. Philosophical and Psychological Problem of Existential Life in Nikolai Berdyev's, Gabriel Marcel's and Viktor Frankl's Researches

Abstract: Existential psychology has very rich philosophical traditions. Alive human existence as an active, free, responsible and spiritual action is the main topic of researches by such religious and existential philosophers as Gabriel Marcel, Nikolai Berdyaev and Viktor Frankl. In this article Verba analyzes the definitions of the terms to be and to have in relation to human existentials such as body, love, talen, and faith in Marcel's works as well as his explanation of meaning, super meaning and existential vaduum. The author of the article has used methods and approaches of philosophical anthropology, existential and phenomenological analysis and hermeneutics. The main conclusion of the research is that the heritage of existential philosophers has a certain value for practical work of an existential psychologist, especially in our time when there is a so-called noogenic neurosis (loss of the meaning). To better understand the nature of human problems, it is necessary to carry out existential analysis based on the provisions of existential psychology and philosophy. 


faith, creativity, freedom, mystery, spirituality, to be and to have, philosophy of practice, existential vacuum, existential psychology, meaning

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