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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Gryaznova E.V., Afanas'ev S.V. Social conflict in the information society: the issue of typology

Abstract: The article debates the possibility and principles of constructing a typology of social conflict in the information society. The authors examined the basic methodological principles of analysis of social conflicts, and the architecture of the typology used in social Sciences for more traditional societies and came to the conclusion that there is a "matrix" of social conflict. In the information society, this "matrix" has not fundamentally different. The changes in its elements lead to the birth of a new kind of social conflict - information conflict. The main methods of the study include analysis, generalization, and typology. The authors examined the studies of both, past and modern researches in the social-philosophical field knowledge. Over the course of their work, the authors saw the possibility of building a typology of social conflict in the information society on the basis of existing classic social-humanitarian approaches and methods: social interaction, structural-functional, subject-subject and subject-object. The information society gives birth to a new type of social conflict - information conflict. It arises and escalates based on the principles of the "matrix" of social conflict, but has an important peculiarity - information elements in its structure. This requires the study and development of different principles of conflict management, which requires the construction of a typology of information conflict, and that will be the focus of our future works.


social conflict, information conflict, information society, information hunger, typology, social interaction, the matrix of social conflict, social Institute, public relations, information field

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