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International Law and International Organizations

Logvinova I.V. International Pacts of 1966 on human rights in the context of development of generally recognized individual rights and freedoms

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the process of development and consolidation within the international documents of universalities in the field of human rights and freedoms. On the example of adoption of the International Pacts of 1966, the author examines the question of the search for compromise decisions by the participants of international relations under the circumstances of opposition between the states and various sociopolitical system. The article defines the role of USSR in development of these documents, as well as identifies the succession in the position regarding the universality of rights and freedoms set in the pacts. Certain modern aspects of implementation of the progressive positions of the International Pacts of 1966 are being analyzed. The conclusion is made on the importance of activity of the state that manifest as participants of the international process on formulization of universalities in the area of rights and freedoms. In addition to this, the author determines the current issues associates with implementation of positions of the pacts, including the foreign policy questions.  


Implementation, Convention, Ratification, Federative article, International relations, International organization, Foreign policy, State, Human rights, International law

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