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National Security

Krasova E.V. Labor potential of Far East in the system of economic development and the strengthening of Russia's national security

Abstract: The subject of the research is the labor potential of Far East, considered in the context of the problems of regional economic development and national security of Russia. The object of research is the Far Eastern region as a priority area of development, which in the XXI century became the locomotive of economic growth and a national security guarantor in the Asia-Pacific Region (APR). The main scientific and practical problem of the article is the gap between the need to ensure a high threshold of national security in the Asia-Pacific region and the limited labor potential of the region. The purpose of the article is to study the process of formation and development of labor potential in Far East of Russia in the system of economic growth and the strengthening of Russia's national security. The methodological basis of the article includes the general theses of the modern economic and political sciences, in particular, national security, the theory of development of labor potential, human capital theory, used by system analysis. The author proves the significant role of the labor potential of the region to ensure the national security and its strategic role in the sustainable development of the modern Russian economy, determines the historical conditions of formation of labor potential in the Far East, considers state support ways of its growth in the twentieth century and actualizes tendencies of its development in the late XX - beginning of XXI centuries. The study reveals the reasons for the depopulation of the region and the potential loss of employment in the last quarter of a century, and on this basis, considers factors and causes of aggravation of threats to national security today. The article describes the necessity of recovering and increasing employment potential, underlines the leading role of the Strategy of socio-economic development of the Far East until 2025 in the development of human capital, which is implemented through the concept of territories of advancing social and economic development (TASED). Special attention is paid to various ways of recovery of labor potential in the Far East. The research results are valuable in terms of updating the current problems, determining the prospects of formation of labor potential and strengthening of national security of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region.


human capital of region, labor shortage, demographic pressures, strategic threats, potential of Far East, labor potential of Russia, sustainable development, regional development strategy, territory of priority development

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