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Philology: scientific researches

Sabanchieva A.K. Some Peculiarities of Terms as Special Lexical Units (the Case Study of Astronomy Terms)

Abstract: The article reveals some peculiarities of terms as specialized lexical units based on the example of the English-language astronomy terms. The carried out analysis is based on the material of the selection of terminological units of the total amount of 2000 units taken from dictionaries of astronomy terms and other sources. Two approaches to the study of the term’s nature are substantiated: normative and descriptive. The author of the article examines the requirements to the term as a special lexical unit such as systemacy, independence from the context, monosemanticity, exactness, conciseness, etc. The following methods have been used during the research: the methods of contextual and etymological analysis, component analysis of the structure of terminological units, reconstruction of structural and word-formative models of the lexical units under study, and quantitative processing of data. As a result of the research the author comes to the conclusion that the obligatory requirements of the astronomy term include the conformity with the norms and rules of the modern English language, systemacy, presence of definition, exactness, and conciseness. Desirable characteristics of the English-language astronomy term are relative independence from the context, monosemanticity, absence of synonyms, expressive neutrality and harmony. If the major part of astronomy terms meets the requirements of absence of expressiveness and harmony, one third of the amount of terminological selection does not satisfy the requirements of monosemanticity and non-synonymy.


constellation, star, dictionary, terminological system, requirement, astronomy, terminology, term, celestial body, synonymy

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