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Administrative and municipal law

Zhurenko V.V. Administrative and legal status of housing inspections

Abstract: The research subject is administrative and legal relations of state housing inspections. The research object is administrative and legal status of state housing inspections. The author defines the key tasks of housing inspections and notes the problems in their implementation. The author analyzes the legal novels in the sphere of housing supervision, particularly in relation to the problems of change of the title and the status of State housing inspections, using the example of Leningrad region. Special attention is given to the problem of housing supervision and control which are allotted to housing inspections. The author notes the fact that the housing control function of housing inspections was introduced by the article 20 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The article considers particular issues of the peculiarities of supervision, carried out by state housing inspections in the sphere of housing maintenance and utilities. The author reveals the main problems and disputable points, arising in administrative and jurisdictional activities of the housing sphere agencies in Russia. Besides, the author analyzes administrative offences in the sphere of housing services. The research methodology is based on the scientific works of Russian lawyers, particularly, scientific publications, directly or indirectly connected with the issues of administrative and legal status of state housing inspections in Russia. The author applies the system analysis and the logical approach. The author concludes about the necessity to optimize the legislation about state housing inspections, delimitation and regulation of their actions. Among other matters, it its necessary to take into account the absence of the conceptual framework which can lead to the ambiguous understanding (voluminous interpretation) of terms (provisions), related to the legal status of state housing inspections. In the author’s opinion, at present, along with active lawmaking in this direction, it is necessary to strengthen the scientific potential of studies (including dissertational ones) of the range of theoretical provisions in the sphere of legal regulation of state housing inspections, especially related to the issues of differentiating the terms and clarifying the legal status of inspections and state housing control agencies. The author’s contribution in the development of the issue is the definition of various approaches to the model of state housing inspections’ legal status regulation. 


control functions, housing maintenance and utilities, executive body, housing, court, public utilities, population, inspector, supervision, housing accomodation

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