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Administrative and municipal law

Trunina E.V. On the improvement of the order of citizens’ appeals consideration by customs agencies of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The research subject is the order and the problems of consideration of citizens’ appeals by customs agencies of the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the analysis of the Procedure of work with citizens’ appeals in the Federal Customs Service of Russia and customs agencies, established by the decree of the Federal Customs Service of 30 June 2014 No 1240. The author notes that the provisions of the Procedure and the law enforcement practice prove the need for its revision. The author outlines the following directions of improvement of work with citizens’ appeals: specification of the scope of the Procedure; specification and clarification of the terms of implementation of administrative procedures with citizens’ appeals; regulation and specification of administrative procedures and administrative actions of customs agencies (their officials) in their work with citizens’ appeals. The research methodology is based on the modern scientific methods, including the method of observation, logical synthesis and analysis, the system method, normative-logical analysis and the method of comparative jurisprudence. The author also applies sociological methods, statistical methods and the method of expert assessment. The author concludes about the absence of clarity and completeness of the legal regulation of the procedure of consideration of citizens’ appeals by customs agencies and about the necessity to revise the current departmental statutory act. The author describes the priority directions in this sphere. 


decision, period, reply, administrative procedure, consideration, official, citizen, complaint, appeal, customs agency

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