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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chebakova Yu.V., Kharisova R.R., Parshukov A.Yu. The Use of Context Processing Concept and Context Effect for the Study of the Mechanisms of Generalization Process Impairment for Mental Disorders

Abstract: In this article the authors discuss whether it is possible to apply the concepts of context processing and context effect for the purposes of studying specific features of the generalization process in the norm and in case of mental pathology. The article introduces the authors' earlier studies that demonstrated the dependence of the actualization of the significant feature in the process of object generalization on the conditions of the cognitive task, i.e. the context of generalization. The article deals with the study of mechanisms of impairmen context processing impairments in case of internally generated mental disorders (especially schizophrenia and schizotypal and affective disorders) and borderline disorders (personality disorders and neurotic disorders). Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of impairment of temporary, conceptual and episodic memory, relation the ability for social cognition and cognitive functioning in both foreign and domestic researches. Using the method of theoretical and methodological analysis, the authors propose the general theoretical hypothesis of differentiated mechanisms of generalization process impairments for endogenous and borderline mental disorders and prove experimental methods of its verification. The authors suggest that the actualization of latent features including subjective features in the process of generalization of stimulus uncertainty (semantic distance of generalized objects) demonstrated by patients with schizophrenia is determined by the deficit of the social context processing, and in case of patients with borderline mental disorders, on the contrary, it is determined by excessive social labeling. The authors dscribe the methodology of experimental tasks of the pilot research offered in the adopted 'Find the odd one out' inventory. The methodology includes three series of tasks offering the variety of the semantic distance of objects, their emotional richness and adequacy of the social context of the use of objects. The article also presents expected results of the research by the original method that will open up new prospects in the differential diagnosis of patopsychology and psychiatry.  


schizophrenia, stimulus under uncertainty, social labeling, latency feature, subjective feature, impairment of the process of generalization, thinking, context effect, context processing, borderline mental disorders

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