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Pedagogy and education

Kiryushin I.I., Baumtrog V.E. Using Capabilities of Network Technologies in Training Specialists at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Abstract: It is possible to apply the global Internet network, institutional information-telecommunication system, and local internal network in the teaching process at educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors of the present article describe varios ways to implement network technologies in distance learning, touch upon legal regulations and standards related to the development of law enfocement agencies' media landscape and give adresses of distance learning websites in the intergrated multi-service telecommunication systems. Branched information networks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allow to fully use the most recent achievements of information-communication technologies not only within education establishments but also between them as well as in practical activity of local offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today one of the most profesionally important skills of a specialist is to be able to apply methods, technologies and means of data processing. As a result of constant changes in information arrays a police officer deals with, it is necessary to constantly improve skills and knowledge. Implementation of distance information technologies provide police officers with additional opportunities for self-improvement and raising a proficiency level, and access to data developed and systematized by teachers which of course save up time necesary to develop specialist's competences. 


Stellus, state-of-art network technologies, unified system, consulting-education portal, support portal, road map, procedural guidelines, distance learning technologies, united data system, intergrated multi-service telecommunication system

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