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Pan'shin D.L. Victimological dimension of economic crimes in Russia: the analysis of statistical rates for 2009 – 2014

Abstract: The purpose of the research is the detection of victimilogical tendencies of the modern Russian economic crimes using the statistical data for 2009 – 2014. The detection and comparison of quantitative and qualitative rates of the victimological condition of Russian economic crimes helps prognosticate the tendencies to the reorientation of economic crimes on legal entities and the public sector of the economy. The conclusions of the research help identify the problems of the formation of statistical rates of its elements. The study is aimed at the analysis, assessment and comparison of the current victimological statistical changes and the dynamics of the contemporary economic crimes, and the acquisition of data, helping assess the damage, inflicted by economic crimes on the population. The author concludes that along with the decrease of the number of registered crimes, the population victimity rates in particular categories of economic crimes are increasing. This growth shows that it is necessary not only to study each type of crimes, but also to keep statistical records of the quantitative rates of the victims of economic crimes and their categories, i.e. men and women, legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs, public organizations and local authorities. 


private individual, legal entity, victimity, victimological statistics, victimological factors, victimology, victimization, victimhood, economic crimes, victim

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