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Police activity

Azhiba I.R. Problems of prevention of means of transportation and railroad disablement (the case of the Republic of Abkhazia)

Abstract: The irreplaceability of railway transport is obvious. At the same time, it is necessary to take steps to prevent crimes in this sphere. The most effective ways of means of transportation and railroads disablement prevention can be found using the complex approach by all public authorities, directly or indirectly connected with the transport of railroad system. Only the broadside approach to the implementation of the task of crime prevention in any sphere of social relations can lead to a fruitful result, expressed in the public understanding of the significance of the protected relations, the unavoidability of punishment, the social harm and the interest of the society in the avoidance of the wrongful act. The author applies the comparative-legal method, analysis and synthesis. The problems of prevention of means of transportation and railroad disablement in the Republic of Abkhazia haven’t been studied so far. It is obvious that railway transport in Abkhazia can’t be substituted by any other mode of transport. To prevent crimes in this sphere it is necessary to take the following steps: control by public authorities, work with the population, monitoring of public authorities by superior bodies for the purpose of control over the execution of their functions. 


railroad, damage, wrongful act, crime prevention, prevention of crime, mode of transport, control, crime, public authority, criminal penalty

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