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National Security

Kamalova G.G. Certain questions of the legal status of subject of the regime of the state classified information

Abstract: The subject of this research is the combination of legislative norms of the Russian Federation and some foreign countries that regulate the legal status of subjects of the state secret legal regime. The goal of this work consists in examination of peculiarities of the legal status of the state classified information regime within the system of special legal regimes of the limited access information based on the comprehensive analysis of legislation, including the types of subjects, their rights and responsibilities. Special attention is given to the collision aspects of legislation regarding the state secret in the aspect of subjects of the state secret legal regime. The main conclusions of the conducted research lie in the following: the established discrepancies of the titles of a number of Articles of the Russian Law  “On State Secret” and their content’’; presence of the allowed in special order subjects, which are not reflected in the norms of the aforementioned law; existence of the number of unsolved issues regarding the limitation of rights of a civilian with clearance to the state classified information.  


state classified information, legal regime of the information, secret, privacy, information of limited access, information law, legal status of the subject, admission, access, limitation of rights

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