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Pedagogy and education

Titova A.Yu. Summer Dance Camp as a Prerequisite for the Development of Dance Abilities of Children and Adolescents

Abstract: This article discusses the benefits of summer classes in professional camp for children and teenagers in order to increase the level of their dancing skills. Taking into account that summer dance camps are part of the social environment where children can exercise their capabilities and needs, it was important to trace the degree of development of creative abilities of children due to the possibility of carrying out daily activities and theme nights on the basis of the dance camp. The author carried out a consistent analysis of the positive impact of such summer dance camps in the harmonious development of children's dancing abilities. The author gives a brief description of preconditions for a decision on the importance of training in the summer. The author also considers the main options to achieve the best results, goals and objectives for a successful and harmonious development of child's personality. The author determines the growing importance of dance teams through involving children in dance camps. The author also highlighted the main areas of the organization of summer dance camps where dance has a multilateral development potential of individual abilities and interests of the child. The special contribution of the author is that the author draws attention of heads of children's dance groups to the problem of increasing the level of mastery of young dancers and views children's dance camps as one of massive leisure activities which leads to better dancing abilities of children and adolescents.


summer rest, dance technique, self-development, dance, choreography, leisure, creation, raising dance experience

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