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Philosophy and Culture

Matveenko V.A. Ideological grounds of the Japanese political thought in the context of its Confucian origins

Abstract: The subject of this research is the history of development of Japanese Confucianism as the political philosophy, as well as the growing influence of the Confucian deontological ethics, expressed in the notions of righteousness truth, and agreement, upon the political and philosophical thought of Japan during the period of existence of its traditional culture subjected to its own logic of development. In parallel, the author examines the question of inconsistency of the influence of Shinto-Buddhist Syncretism upon the political aspects of the nation’s life, for the purpose of search for the intellectual grounds of such type of the statehood and society that can be associated with Japan. The author concludes that namely the Confucian political thought has formed the foundation of the deontological character of Japanese political culture. Analyzing the ancient legislative acts of Japan “The Seventeen-article Constitution”, the author believes that the crucial value for the Japanese political thought, along with the notions of righteousness and agreement, consists in the notion of the truth, which is the result of comprehension and reveals itself in realization; and thus, it can be understood as the moving force of the Japanese political culture.  


Truth, Righteousness, Justice, Deontological ethics, Shinbutsu-shūgō, Shōtoku, Seventeen-article Constitution, Neo-Confucianism, Confucianism, Japanese philosophy

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