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Philosophy and Culture

Gladyshev V.I., Penner R.V. Culture of communication in the era of modern media

Abstract: The object of research is the phenomenon of communication in the context of media. The subject is the problem of harmonization of communication in terms of media-modernity. The authors begin their study with analizing the phenomenon of "digital natives" who violates the centuries-old tradition of generating and transmitting knowledge from elders to youth. Considering communication as the interaction, the authors identify the following features of it, which are the key in the context of the study: the nature of verbal communication; communicant's freedom and responsibility for the field of communication and his (her) role in it; communication as a necessary form of existence of homo sapiens; communication as a mutually beneficial interaction between people. Addressing to the phenomenon of media, the authors dwell on these effects in the media reality: the acceleration of information; simplification of information; "dissolution" of human in the information stream. The research methodology includes scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, abstraction. In addition, the procedure is carried out methodological conceptualization. A special contribution of the authors of the study is to identify communication requirements for the "new" reality to a human who is falling into a situation of communication. Among them should be marked: emotional reinforcement; selectivity in communication; overcoming narcissism and conformism; tolerance in communication; communicative activity and the attractiveness of the subject of communication; competence in communication.


compensatory communication, digital immigrants, digital aborigens, media-modernity, media, interaction, communication, culture of communication, media effects, information field

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