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Shaposhnikova E.A. The key vectors of evolution of the party system in the conditions of modernization processes in today’s Russia

Abstract: The subject of this research is the vectors of evolution of the party system in today’s Russia in the conditions of modernization processes. The author concentrates on such questions of changes to the electoral system as lowering of the electoral threshold, changes to the system of state funding of parties, and other. A special attention is given to the return to the mixed electoral system at the State Duma elections with already implemented norms of liberalization of the party legislation with regards to procedure of forming and registering a party, participation of parties in elections, and reduction in electoral threshold. The author highlights certain positions of the Federal Law No. 20-FZ, namely the introduction of mixed electoral system, ability for direct nomination of candidates in form of self-nomination, and analyzes the causes and the facts of their realization in the country. A conclusion is made that the Russian party system is currently at the stage of formalization of its new configuration, and the high point of its development will fall on the 2016 State Duma elections.


Party system, Legislation, Electorate, State Duma, Electoral threshold, Voters, Financing, Federal Law, Elections, Parties

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