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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Yasin M.I. The Modern Buddhist’s Interpersonal Attitudes

Abstract: Russian researches of Buddhism psychology are mostly philosophical and offer explanations of Buddhist realities and their analysis from the point of view of modern science, however, there is very little that has been done in the sphere of their empirical verification. The present research intends to contribute to the creation of the 'psychological portrait' of contemporary Russian Buddhists. The subject of the research is distinguished features of communication stereotypes demonstrated by contemporary Vajrayāna Buddhists and atheists. These distinguished features are viewed as a proof of successful development of certain personal traits through well-directed Buddhist's practice. Attitudes demonstrated by Buddhists in their interpersonal relations are studied using Boyko's inventory. 70 Buddhists were studied. The results of their tests were compared to the results demonstrated by the control group of another 70 people. Within the framework of the present research attitudes are viewed as a psychological mechanism creating certain cognitive and behavioral orientation which, in its turn, sets the most probable vector of one's behavior. Buddhists demonstrate lower levels of aggression in response to aggresive actions and more positive attitude to others and events. Thus, well-directed Buddhist practice can develop and fortify certain attitudes, in thsi case - tolerance towards others and a positive attitude to interpersonal relations. 


aggression, communication, interpersonal relationships, attitude, Buddhism, psychology of religion, spiritual practices, psychotechnics, expatriate religions, positive attitude

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