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Politics and Society

Kaplunova K.A. The development of Russian sociology during the period of 1920-30’s

Abstract: This article examines the problem of development of the Russian sociology during the period of 1920-30’s. Special attention is given to the peculiarities typical for the post-revolutionary period, as well as their effect upon the process of expansion of sociology in Russian society. The author determines the pattern of influence of the party elite upon the character and purpose of theoretical doctrines in sociology, as well as points at how it conforms to the theme of the conducted sociological research. The theory of historical materialism as a doctrine, which forms the basis of the state ideology and spreads its influence over all spheres of social life, is being thoroughly examined. The author reveals that the situation formed in the first decades after the revolution, was not favorable for the development of the objective sociological knowledge in Russia. But despite this fact, sociology was able to advance its own methodological base, gain rich experience in the field of sociological research, as well as gather an extensive statistical material.


Party elite, Society, Historical materialism, State ideology, Methodological base, Post-revolutionary period, Marxism, Positivism, Russia, Sociology

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