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Politics and Society

Fedorova E.N., Egorova T.P. Territorial organization of Yakutia in the XVIII century based on the territorial-administrative transformations of the region

Abstract: This article examines the questions of territorial structure and administration in the XVIII century of one of the largest regions in the northeast of Russia – Yakutia. Immensity of the territory, geographic and geopolitical location along with rich natural resources, all were of special r importance for Russia. The need for political, economic, and ideological securing of the territory can be seen in the events of the territorial-administrative organization of Russia. Territorial expansion of the borders in the XVIII century that affected both, Siberia and Yakutia, caused multiple administrative transformations. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive examination of the questions of territorial-administrative transformations of the northeast of Russia, which allow following the emergence of administrative units, their adjustment to the realities of the joint territories, establishment of administration, and subordination to the tasks of the future development of the region. Administrative reconfiguration was cause by the attempt to find the most optimal forms of administration of the remote territory, as well as integration of Siberia into a unified administrative, legislative, and economic space of the Russian Empire.


volost, Commission for tribute, management of the territory, administrative-territorial transformation, organization of the territory, Yakutia, nasleg, county, state governance, population

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