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Philosophy and Culture

Enverov R.N. The era of geniuses, witches, and demons: evolution of the Cartesian doctrine about spirits in the XVII century

Abstract: The object of this research is the angelological concept of René Descartes, as well as the doctrine about spirits of the reformation theologians Balthasar Bekker and Henry Bowman.  The subject of this research is the ideas about nature and functions of the angels and demons formulated by these thinkers in the context of the fundamental positions of Cartesianism. The author examines how the methodology of Descartes was used by Bekker and Bowman for the purpose of repudiation of the Christian doctrine about spirits of Medieval Times. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this research examines a philosophical-theological aspect of Cartesianism, which remains unstudied within the Russian science, namely the outlook of Descartes upon spirits and the influence of his doctrine on the teachings of the reformation theologians pertaining to this topic. The author makes the conclusion that Descartes’ metaphysics became the key instrumentfor Bekker and Bowman, who used it to destroy the traditional beliefs in angels and demons, despite the intention of Descartes to remain faithful to the doctrine of the Catholic Church. At the same time, we can observe a connection between such development of Caertesianism (Bekker, Bowman) and their belonging to Protestantism.


Protestantism, Cartesianism, collegiants, Baltasar Becker, Rene Descartes, demons, spirits, angels, demonology, Enlightenment

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