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Philosophy and Culture

Iferov R.G., Titlin L.I. Comparative analysis of Anekāntavāda and antinomian monodualism

Abstract: The subject of this research is the two philosophical concepts that belong to distant from each other philosophical movements: Anekāntavāda of Jainism and antinomian monodualism. The object of this research is the logical-philosophical aspect of these concepts. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the foundations for comparison of the reviewed concepts and their common features. The article demonstrates that Anekāntavāda and antinomian monodualism are the nonclassical modal multivocal logical-philosophical systems.  This is why they can be subjected to a comparative analysis. Special attention is given to the causes of the determined correlations between Anekāntavāda and antinomian monodualism. The main common feature of Anekāntavāda and antinomian monodualism, which unites them with each other and counterpoise to majority of the Western logical-philosophical systems, is the principle of irreducibility of opinions. On various ontological bases, particularly platonic and dharmic, originates one and the same pattern that produces similar logical-philosophical systems. This pattern is based on the gnoseological intuition of irreducibility of opinions, generating from intuition of the endless multiplicity of the universe. The gnoseological intuition of multiplicity demonstrates independence form the ontological basis characteristic to one or another philosophical system. The mental pattern, realized in form of the considered logical-philosophical systems, will be greatly demanded in the modern post-globalization era, which on one side is characterized by the global unification, and on the other – by escalation of the local conflicts. This research is one of the few that compares the Russian with one of the Eastern philosophies; the philosophy of Frank with one of the movements of Hindu philosophy; as well as one of the first to compares the Jainism with one of the directions of Russian philosophy.


comparative analisis, comparative philosophy, logical-philosophical systems, comparative studies, antinomian monodualism, Anekāntavāda, modal logic, multivocal logic, nonclassical logic, religious philosophy

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