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National Security

Andreev A.F. The problems of providing legal countermeasures to terrorism in the Russian Federation and ways to resolve them

Abstract: The subject of this research is the problems of providing legal countermeasures to terrorism in the Russian Federation, which the author defines as internal contradiction, gaps and inefficiency of current system of norms of anti-terrorism legislation, which determines the regulatory influence upon the public regard of this sphere. They include discorrespondence of goals with the final result, forms and contents of the spatial and time boundaries of the action of legal regime of the counterterrorism operations, as well as number of others. The goal of this work consists in substantiation of the proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the mechanism of legal regulation of public relations on counterterrorism. The scientific novelty lies in specification of the goals, concretization of the order of introduction, and agreement of the space and time boundaries of the action of the legal regime of anti-terrorism operation, ensuring its elasticity and correlation of the content of the regime measures with the norms of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, as well as harmonization of the elements of the legislative system in the sphere of counterterrorism.


Countermeasures to terrorism, Counterterrorism operation, Terrorist act, Legal regime of counterterrorism operation, Disruption of terrorist attack, Legally protected interests, Folding terrorism plans, Legal infliction of harm, Harmonization of legislation, Terrorism

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