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Administrative and municipal law

Bulgakova K.R. On the subjects of municipal services rendering in the French Republic and the Russian Federation

Abstract: At the present time, the governments in such developed countries of Western Europe as France, and in the Russian Federation do everything they can for everyone to know and have the opportunity to claim the sufficient volume and quality of services from every particular level of authority. The research subject is the study of state and municipal services rendering and the subjects of rendering. The purpose of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of organization of state and municipal services rendering in France and in Russia and to offer the ways of the legislation improvement. The author applies comparative-legal, dialectical methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and dogmatic method, i.e. the study of the provisions of law, legislation and subordinate legislation with a further lexical and system interpretation. The author considers the “public service”, “government service”, “municipal service” concepts; outlines special subjects, rendering municipal services in France: a public institution (établissment public), a concessionary by an outsourcing agreement, a private company by affermage agreement, a public interest group (groupement de l'intérêt public). The author states the necessity to legislate commercial and non-commercial structures, which can be granted all the necessary authorities via outsourcing or affermage, as the subjects, rendering municipal services (this positive experience of delegation of powers in France should be taken into account in Russia when organizing services rendering). Based on the analysis of the subjects, rendering municipal services in Russia, the author detects the principles which the subject, delivering municipal services, should observe: - the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms; - professionalism and competence of persons delivering services; - linkage to a certain administration level (state, regional or local); - continuity of a service; - permanent adaptation. The results of the study can be used for a further improvement of federal legislation in the sphere of municipal services rendering, and as a basis for scholars’ opinions systematization. The author specifies the subjects, delivering municipal services ranging from public and local authorities to authorized private companies.


intermunicipal cooperation, noncommercial partnership, associations, public interest group, outsourcing, affermage, public institution, state service, public service, municipal service

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