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Philosophy and Culture

Shugurov M.V. Metamorphoses of freedom in the context of spiritual crisis

Abstract: The subject of this research is a detailed analysis of the correlation between such fundamental philosophical categories as freedom and spirituality with regards to the situation of post-modernity. The author carefully examines the understanding of spirituality as a dynamic and multi-vector process of sense-making. The article suggest considering freedom in the mode of its authenticity, namely as a spiritual being, cognized in light of the highest meanings and values. The author simultaneously conducted an analysis of the manifesting in the present sociocultural situation tendency of descending sense-making, which leads to a crisis of spirituality, and therefore, culture. The result of these processes consists in deformation of the free choice that leads to decline in the freedom and spirituality. As a resource for escaping the state of unbalance between the freedom and spirituality, the author consider the potential of philosophizing that can predict the results of a negative free choice, as well as detect a possibility of human’s sense maturation. The author’s contribution into the research of the topic of correlation between freedom and spirituality became the extrapolation of conclusions on dramatic effect of a free sense-making upon the modern sociocultural situation, often described in the terms of crisis. The author explains that the outbursts of antiquity in the modern society are justified by inauthentic mode of human self-substantiation or self-understanding as a foreign to this world being. This is evident in the project of modernity and inherited by post-modernity. The main conclusion consists in the attempts to find possible ways of neutralizing the seductions by the semantic transgression in its path of establishment of a new model of interpersonal and intercultural communications.


Culture, Alienation, Values, Communication, Post-modernity, Consciousness, Antiquity, Modernity, Freedom of choice, Meaning

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