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Philosophy and Culture

Trufanova E.O. Socio-constructivist approach to consciousness in the context of classical and contemporary philosophy

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the approach towards the problems of consciousness, self-consciousness and the I within the framework of such direction of the modern humanitarian sciences as social constructionism. The main goal is examination of the main positions of this approach towards consciousness and its various manifestations from the perspective of this direction and placement of this approach into the context of other research of consciousness in classical and contemporary philosophy. Socio-constructivist approach to consciousness makes a strong accent on the role of social constructions in formation of consciousness and self-consciousness of an individual and leans towards denial of the existence of the I. However, criticizing social constructionism, the author demonstrates that the presence of common experience among all subjects does not depend on social constructs. At the same time, a positive feature of the socio-constructivist approach to consciousness is favorable for understanding of position of an individual within the modern information era. Author’s special contribution consists in determination of the intersecting points of social constructionism with other approaches to consciousness in classical and contemporary philosophy. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in Russian philosophy there are in fact no works dedicated to the socio-constructivist approach to the problems of consciousness.  


communication, dialogue, discourse, narrative, I, social constructionism, self-consciousness, consciousness, nature vs upbringing, personal identity

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